DMCC is encouraged to see the Sustainability of the Transportation System bill that just passed in the Colorado legislature. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit operating in Colorado, we do not lobby or attempt to influence legislation. We focus on education of our stakeholders and our local, state, and federal representatives.
The Denver Metro Clean Cities Coalition’s mission is to champion healthy air quality by accelerating the deployment of clean transportation and mobility options. We do this through stakeholder education and advising, and industry leadership and promotion. As part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Clean Cities program, DMCC is one of over 90 unique Clean Cities coalitions across the U.S. Each coalition works locally to foster the nation’s economic, environmental, and energy security and advance affordable, domestic transportation fuels and fuel-saving technologies and practices. Clean Cities coalitions are tasked with providing unbiased and objective information and technical assistance to stakeholders to help deploy alternative fuels (including electricity as a fuel), advanced vehicles and technology, and fuel/energy efficiency measures.
As a designated Clean Cities coalition, we advocate for the cleanest fuel in a specific application with special consideration given to the unique needs of each situation, availability of vehicles and fueling/charging, incentives (like Colorado’s current tax credits and grants for vehicles and infrastructure), and regulations. This means that we focus extensively on the clean fuels that are most important to our state, especially electric motor vehicles and zero-emission trucks and buses to mitigate environmental and health impacts of transportation in Colorado.
We believe this bill to be balanced and inclusive of all aspects of the zero emission transportation and mobility sector, from passenger cars to heavy-duty trucks and buses, and are pleased to see it ensuring that it accelerates cleaner air for Colorado communities that are disproportionately impacted by pollution and households that cannot afford an EV.
Please reach out if you have any questions.