Stakeholder Spotlight: CDOT

December 30, 2024

Drive Clean Colorado is proud to spotlight Mike King, Assistant Director of Electrification and Energy at the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and a valued member of our Board. Mike leads efforts to advance Colorado’s transition to Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) through policy development, grant management, and collaboration with state agencies. From expanding EV charging infrastructure through programs like NEVI and beyond, Mike and his team are driving progress toward a sustainable transportation future.

CDOT’s partnership with Drive Clean Colorado amplifies these efforts by fostering collaboration across diverse stakeholders and ensuring equitable access to clean transportation solutions. Together, we’re making strides toward a cleaner, more accessible transportation system in Colorado. Read on to learn more about Mike’s work, CDOT’s initiatives, and our partnership.

Who you are and what your role is at CDOT
My name is Mike King and I lead the Electrification & Energy team in CDOT’s Office of Innovative Mobility, and our role is to help support the widespread adoption of ZEVs across Colorado through policy development, grant management, and technical support. We plan for and administer the state’s NEVI Program funding, the Colorado Clean Transit Enterprise, and the Office of Innovative Mobility Grant Program. We also collaborate closely with the Colorado Energy Office, Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, and other state agencies to develop statewide targets, policies, and programs to advance Colorado’s ZEV goals. Finally, we serve as CDOT’s in-house experts on EVs, energy, and alternative fuels, helping the Department to transition its own fleet and operations to cleaner solutions in the future. 

How is CDOT working to improve electrification efforts and accelerate the adoption of EVs with its charging platforms?
Through our grant programs, CDOT is always seeking to increase the benefits and reduce the barriers of EV and charger deployment across Colorado. We are currently integrating new state and federal funding into existing programs while expanding our role in emerging issue areas like education, workforce development, and equity. As Colorado provides a policy and incentive environment conducive to widespread adoption, the traveling public is responding with record demand for EVs and the private sector is rapidly expanding EV charging opportunities.  

What are the next steps for CDOT?
Some of the emerging issues that CDOT is working on include the development and dissemination of accessible EV education materials, support for new and expanded workforce development programs in the ZEV and charging sectors, and an enhanced focus on equitable deployment of EVs and charging in Colorado. Institutionally, we are also expanding our OIM team and scaling up our programs with new state and federal resources to ensure that they are sustainable and effective over the long-term. 

How does partnering with Drive Clean Colorado help you work towards your goals?
Drive Clean Colorado is a critical partner in the State of Colorado’s effort to support broad ZEV adoption, serving as a connector between a wide variety of partners and stakeholders and offering a forum for ongoing collaboration towards shared goals. DCC has an unparalleled network plus the unique skills and tools to engage with the general public on complex topics in an accessible and low-pressure manner that state agencies and private companies can’t easily replicate.

“I work with Drive Clean Colorado because the State of Colorado can’t achieve its transportation electrification goals alone – we need strong partnerships across the public, private, nonprofit, & research sectors. DCC binds these groups together and helps to connect individuals, organizations, and communities to the resources that they need to make a positive impact locally and globally.” – Mike King

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