Stakeholder Spotlight: Rolling Energy Resources

February 2, 2022
Drive Clean Colorado (DCC) is happy to welcome Rolling Energy Resources as one of our stakeholders. Rolling Energy Resources takes a new approach to managing electric demand from vehicle charging by connecting directly to cars through their native APIs, utilizing systems that are already in place. We spoke with Dawn Wieber, Communications Specialist, about her role and experience with Rolling Energy Resources. Keep reading to learn about electric vehicle load management and solutions provided through Rolling Energy Resources.    

Organization: Rolling Energy Resources 

Location: Boulder, CO



*Note: The following answers are summarized from an interview with Dawn Wieber from Rolling Energy Resources

Give me a little introduction about yourself and Rolling Energy Resources. 

I grew up in the Evergreen/Conifer area where the famous scenery and amazing activities Colorado has to offer were literally in my backyard, so the conservation of Colorado’s resources has always been important to me. Rolling Energy Resources is a Boulder-based company that was a spinoff of Apex Analytics, an industry leader in energy efficiency planning and evaluation. RER connects utilities and EV owners in mutually beneficial charge management programs. Millions of dollars are spent each year to curtail load from residential central air conditioners, however, a level 2 EV charger draws a similar load to multiple residential central air conditioners. Learning how to manage this new energy load will be imperative as EV adoption rapidly increases. We believe charge management is a necessary part of utility grid management strategies, and that customer programs need to be easy, streamlined, and effective. Our revolutionary telematics solution overcomes the barriers of hardware-based charge management and is readily available for widespread adoption.

 What products and services does RER offer that can help advance clean transportation in Colorado?

RER provides MyCharge customer reports to encourage behavior change. Our MyCharge reports are built to help customers understand the way their charging behavior interacts with the grid. Our primary motivation behind these reports is to create intrinsic motivation for customers to move their charging to times when grid demand is lower and to promote EV adoption to friends and family. One compelling example we see in the MyCharge™ Report is a detailed comparison of a driver’s electric cost compared to the equivalent cost to fuel a gas-powered vehicle. Seeing this comparison and the cost savings of going electric promote word of mouth EV adoption. Utilities such as Xcel Energy can also leverage the MyCharge reports to educate and incentivize customers to charge in the evening hours, when overall demand on the grid is lower, or to time charging to be coincident with renewable resources (e.g., when there is sufficient solar or wind power).  

How is RER helping utilities connect with EV drivers?

RER connects utilities and drivers by helping to minimize EV charging costs both to the customer, through charging when energy costs are lowest, and to the energy supplier, through a flatter demand curve and therefore less need for added infrastructure. The mutual benefit has enabled some utilities to offer even more savings and incentive programs. We are currently working with utilities in five states. 

How will this program assist with electric load management? 

RER’s load management capabilities will allow service providers and EV drivers to implement “peak shaving” by shifting charging to times when supply is not constrained and/or to when renewable supply is high. Our MyCharge report provides the information and tools to empower EV drivers to take control of their charging behaviors and encourage smarter charging habits.  

Is there anything else you’d like to discuss we haven’t touched on yet?

The RER platform will be available nationwide, but as a Colorado native, I am particularly excited to be a part of a Boulder-based company and to be partnering with Drive Clean and Drive Electric Colorado. I am motivated to support and connect with Colorado drivers to promote smarter energy usage and implement healthier roads and air quality of the beautiful state I’ve called home my whole life.  Additionally, we are offering free enrollment to Colorado EV drivers who register for the MyCharge™ program through DEC. You can check your compatibility for the program here.

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