Charge Up Your Workplace

EV Charging Solutions for Businesses

Helping workplaces lower barriers for EV adoption.

Drive Clean Colorado is committed to ensuring the benefits of electrification are distributed equitably. Through our new Workplace Charging Initiative, called Watts@Work (W@W), we aim to help workplaces in Colorado lower the barriers to electric vehicle adoption by increasing the number of employers currently offering workplace charging to their employees. 

Workplace charging is a great benefit to employers and employees.

It increases employee retention, promotes electric vehicle adoption and clean air, and attracts new customers. 

No matter where you are in the evaluation or implementation process (including having already installed chargers), Drive Clean Colorado can provide you with benefits along the way, including: 

FREE technical assistance

Coaching and support for various grants and incentives, including the Charge Ahead Colorado grant, which provides funding assistance for public Level 2 or DC fast charging

Promoting your workplace’s accomplishments

Hosting EV workshops and ride & drives for your employees

Help setting up your own employee EV club and other EV awareness activities

Watts@Work in Action

 In this section, you’ll find stories from our W@W partners as they make strides in clean transportation through ribbon cuttings, workshops, training sessions, and other impactful events.

Stay tuned for the latest updates as we highlight the inspiring work our partners are doing to make workplace charging accessible and support a sustainable future for all!

How to Apply for the Charge Ahead Colorado Grant

Looking to support the growing demand for electric vehicles in your community? The Charge Ahead Colorado (CAC) Grant offers a fantastic opportunity to fund EV charging infrastructure for businesses, governments, and communities. With up to $250,000 available per...

Ready Foods Celebrates New Workplace EV Chargers with Ribbon Cutting Event

CONTACT: Maddie Garbalagtys, Drive Clean Colorado [email protected] | 920-296-5665  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Ready Foods Celebrates New Workplace EV Chargers with Ribbon Cutting Event Drive Clean Colorado, Ready Foods, and Partners Gather to Support Workplace...

XCharge DCFC Installation Success Story

September 10th, 2024 marked a significant milestone for electric vehicle (EV) owners in Fort Collins. XCharge, in collaboration with Colorado State University’s (CSU) Powerhouse Energy Campus, Out of Spec Studios, and Winn-Marion, has successfully installed a new...

Merit Electric Unveils Fort Collins EV Charger Supported by Charge Ahead Colorado Grant 

CONTACT:Maddie Garbalagtys, Drive Clean [email protected] | 920-296-5665 IMMEDIATE RELEASE Merit Electric Unveils Fort Collins EV Charger Supported by Charge Ahead Colorado GrantCelebrating Milestones: Drive Clean Colorado, Efficiency Works, and...
Watts@Work funding partners

Drive Clean Colorado’s W@W initiative is partially funded by the EMPOWER and Charge@Work grants from the U.S. Department of Energy, as well as the Colorado Energy Office’s ReCharge Colorado program. Each of the programs exists to help workplaces and public officials increase EV adoption by increasing the number of employers currently offering workplace charging to their employees.  

Read more about EMPOWER

The EMPOWER project seeks to accelerate the interest and support for Workplace Charging nationwide and to ensure the benefits of electrification is distributed equitably. For more information, visit 

Read more about Charge@Work

Charge@Work provides a suite of tools, resources, and technical assistance to make workplace charging a reality for you. For more information and tools including a free site assessment and charging cost analysis, visit 

Read more about ReCharge

The ReCharge Colorado program works to advance the adoption of EVs and installation of charging infrastructure across the state and provides coaching services to help business owners, government leaders, and consumers understand the financial, environmental, economic development and energy security advantages of EVs and EV infrastructure. For more information, visit 

Join other organizations who have taken the commitment workplace charging!
Take the employer pledge!

Employers, please join us in taking a pledge to provide EV charging access for employees. There are a variety of ways to participate ranging from simply assessing employee need for charging, all the way to successful deployment of chargers and workplace charging programs.