Over the past months, Drive Clean Colorado has partnered with organizations across the state and country to create a workgroup focused on the creation and implementation of Low Emission Smart Areas (LESA). Through workgroup sessions, we were able to create a workbook highlighting discussions, lessons learned, and best practices, aiming to provide a blueprint for future LESA projects. In this workbook, you will find our blueprint and key findings, case studies from our workgroup presentations, and information on important partners for future LESA project implementation.
Throughout the LESA workgroup sessions, we discussed key challenges within curb management and clean mobility including increasing deliveries and curb use; limited and static curb space; congestion, safety and air pollution; equity and environmental justice; clean mobility access; electric vehicle charging gaps; and education and awareness. The Los Angeles Department of Transportation case study that is featured in our LESA workbook was also recently featured in an article that discusses effective zero-emission delivery zones, its guidelines, as well as how it is a scalable climate solution. Check out the article here.
Please find the full workbook here. We hope this serves as a useful tool for future pilot projects in Colorado municipalities, and in communities across the nation!