The International Zero Emission Bus Conference A Hit In Denver
The 2021 Zero Emission Bus Conference concluded on September 17, with hundreds of attendees from across the country coming together to learn more about transitioning bus fleets to battery electric and fuel cell electric bus technology. It was a fantastic opportunity for Drive Clean Colorado and our stakeholders to take a seat at the global table of these discussions, and the learning and networking (plus showing off our great state) was invaluable.
A highlight of the conference was the Happy Bus Hour, featuring about a dozen zero-emission buses – transit buses, shuttles, and school buses – from a variety of manufacturers. Boulder Valley School District provided their electric school bus to showcase at the event.
Our special guests were Colorado Congressman Jason Crow; Dan Raudenbaugh, Executive Director of the Center for Transportation and Environment; Will Toor, Colorado Energy Office Executive Director; and Jen Clanahan of Colorado Mountain Mamas. The group gathered to discuss the urgent need to transition school bus fleets to electric as soon as possible.
“25 million children across the country and 300,000 kids here in Colorado ride a school bus to school. 95% of those buses are diesel. Studies show that levels of harmful air pollution inside school buses are up to 10 times higher than ambient air due to diesel exhaust and even 2 times higher than on the street. This can lead to poor lung function, increased risk of developing asthma, and more,” said Jen Clanahan of Colorado Mountain Mamas. “And that is why we are so excited about buses like the one from the Boulder Valley School District. Boulder was the first school district in the state to get an electric school bus. Now there are at least three with more on the way. Moms want school districts to turn over their fleets to clean electric buses.”
Congressman Crow also called out his support of electrifying school buses and related initiatives, highlighting that electrification helps not only the environment but children, especially those in underserved areas while also creating jobs that help our economy.
A big thank you to the Drive Clean Colorado team and volunteers who were able to leverage DCC’s Community Sponsorship in a variety of ways throughout the conference. We look forward to acting on the momentum created!