June 22, 2022
Amber King, Drive Clean Colorado
[email protected] | 785-543-7082
Department of Energy Awards $200,000 for Small Business Research and Development to Rolling Energy Resources in partnership with Drive Clean Colorado and The City of Colorado Springs
One of 259 Grants Totaling $53 Million Nationwide to Support Scientific Innovation in Clean Energy Development and Climate Solutions
[COLORADO SPRINGS, CO] — U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm has announced that Rolling Energy Resources (RER) will receive $200,000 in Phase 1 of 259 Department of Energy grants totaling $53 million to 210 small businesses in 38 states, with the potential of additional funds in Phase 2 of the grant roll out. The Rolling Energy Resources project is in partnership with Drive Clean Colorado and The City of Colorado Springs for telematics-based managed charge optimization for equitable EV adoption in the residential rental segment, bringing the $200,000 in federal grant dollars directly to Colorado Springs.
“Drive Clean Colorado is proud to be a partner in this important project to support charging infrastructure and EV adoption for renters across the state.,” said Bonnie Trowbridge, Executive Director of Drive Clean Colorado. “We are thrilled that the DOE has recognized that this segment of our communities is a critical and growing part of broad EV adoption and this project will be a major step in the right direction.”
“The City of Colorado Springs is excited to be a part of this project in order to better understand and serve rental properties throughout the City,” said Samantha Bailey, Sustainability Coordinator for The City of Colorado Springs. “To provide more EV charging infrastructure for these buildings is how citizens that rent their homes will be able to look at electric vehicles as a viable option for their transportation needs.”
“The rapid evolution of transportation electrification in the U.S. has created a new and increasing demand upon the electricity grid” according to Rolling Energy Resources CEO Scott Dimetrosky. “Understanding the potential impacts on the grid – when and where people charge – along with managed charging, will be needed to ensure the grid is prepared for this influx of electric vehicles. Rolling Energy Resources provides real-time data monitoring and control for electric vehicle charging. This software telematics capability is the keystone for managed charging on the grid. We are very pleased to receive this recognition and support by DOE for our work and vision to create innovative solutions for managed charging that DOE seeks to facilitate.”
“Supporting small businesses will ensure we are tapping into all of America’s talent to develop clean energy technologies that will help us tackle the climate crisis,” said Steve Binkley, Acting Director of the DOE’s Office of Science. “DOE’s investments will enable these economic engines to optimize and commercialize their breakthroughs while developing the next generation of science leaders and ensuring U.S. scientific and economic competitiveness that will benefit all Americans.”
DOE Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) awards aim at transforming DOE-supported science and technology breakthroughs into viable products and services. The awards also support the development of specialized technologies and instruments that aid in scientific discovery.
More information about all the projects announced by DOE is available at the following link:
About Drive Clean Colorado, a Clean Cities Coalition
Drive Clean Colorado (formerly Denver Metro Clean Cities Coalition) is a non-profit member organization that delivers a variety of programs to support equitable clean transportation and efficient mobility choices with the goal of reducing greenhouse gases for cleaner, healthier air for Colorado. Drive Clean Colorado is one of 75 unique Department of Energy Clean Cities coalitions across the U.S. that work locally to foster the nation’s economic, environmental, and energy security and advance affordable, domestic transportation fuels and fuel-saving technologies and practices. Learn more at, and follow along on Twitter and LinkedIn.